Summit of opportunity

Newspaper Rainbow Series     2nd June 2020     Save    

Context: The recent announcement by President Trump over the expansion of the G7 increases credibility of and opportunities for India.

Reasons for Expansion

  • Rejuvenating the organisation: The G7 is considered ‘outdated’ and does not represent the world, given the realignments of the global economic powers.
  • Anti-Chinese Platform: Exclusion of China with 15% of the global GDP and inclusion of Russia even after non-resolution of Crimean annexation signals towards isolating China in the global platforms.
  • Opportunities for India: in terms of exchange of views over issues that are of considerable importance to India. 
  • Recognition of India’s role in the post-pandemic world order. India has already surpassed Italy in terms of GDP showcasing its potential.

    Implications of India’s Membership:

    • Provoking China: Rising tensions between India and China due to border skirmishes along LAC and scrutinizing investment for China through FDI policy changes. 
    • Not a precedent setting move: G11 won’t be the only grouping which involves India and excludes China
    • e.g. Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation and Quad grouping. Therefore, this move should not be seen as retaliation against China.
      • Skewed India-China ties: The relationship between Indian and China is favorable to China, which demands the hedging of India’s strategic interests by the use of global platforms.

    Way Forward:

      • India cannot expect long-term gains if it is included in this comity of nations solely for the purpose of isolating China. 
      • It should serve India’s geo-strategic interests and within the dynamic of the short- and long-term India-China relationship.