India, China and fortifying the Africa outreach

Newspaper Rainbow Series     2nd June 2020     Save    

Context: Both India and China have increased their outreach to the African countries through medical assistance, but the difference lies in their approaches.

China’s Case

  • Donation Diplomacy: It aims to achieve 3 main objectives
  1. A shift from the focus on origins of the virus
  2. Building goodwill overseas
  3. Establish an image makeover
  • Multilateral Diplomacy: China is heavily dependent on diplomatic support from African counterparts in maintaining its influence in multilateral fora. 
  • China used African support for securing a win for Chinese candidates in the Food and Agriculture Organisation and World Health Organisation.
  • Building state-to-state relations: Although criticism was raised by the African media and civil society against Guangzhou narrative related to racism, the credibility gap between the people and the governing class has toned down the rhetoric.

India’s case:

  • Increased diplomatic outreach: as evident in plans to open 18 new embassies. 
  • Pharmacy of the world: India being the supplier of generic, low cost medicine has found its way into Africa through Pharmaceutical trade and along with petroleum products accounts for 40% of India’s total export to Africa.
  • Humanitarian measures: like Mission Sagar and sending consignment ion essential medicine amidst COVID to initial beneficiaries like Madagascar, Mauritius, the Seychelles and Comoros.
  • Building People-to-people relations: through cooperation in capabilities development through e-ITEC COVID-19 management aimed at training healthcare professionals from Africa and SAARC. 
  • Donations by Indian businessmen and companies in Nigeria and Kenya to emergency response funds.
  • Country-specific chapters of gurdwaras and temples fed families by setting up community kitchens.
  • Engaging Diaspora: Indian community in East African countries played a role in spreading awareness.

Way Forward: Although intentions of both the nations through their various activities have the same goal of achieving a credible profile of being a humanitarian champion, however, the means are different. Both India and China must adapt to the aspirations of Africa.