HIV Lessons for Covid-19

Newspaper Rainbow Series     27th May 2020     Save    

Context: Fundamental principles utilised in response to HIV/AIDS must be replicated in dealing with the covid-19 health crisis. 

HIV/AIDS Lessons for Covid-19 

  • Marginalised and vulnerable focused strategy: by meeting the needs of access to information and services, respect for their bodily, social, and economic integrity.
  • Shaping inclusive and nurturing health systems and social environments: Centring on frontline personnel and those whose lives are turned chaotic by harsh measures such as lockdowns.
  • Collective and bottom-up approach: Considering marginalised and vulnerable as allies and empowered partner in a fight against covid-19. 
  • Strengthening them with reliable, relatable, destigmatising and evidence-based information and services, the rights to avail these, and a health and social system.
    • Matured health bureaucracy: greater engagement with patients to ensure patient centric policy and practices.
    • The Dominant role of an empowered and active community: demanding health related rights.
  • Failure of disease-centric response: as it failed to transform health systems more broadly.

Conclusion: Covid-19  crisis provides an opportune time to strengthen the public health and social security system by the humane and inclusive approaches for greater community health and the public good.