e-Learning Not the Same as Learning

Newspaper Rainbow Series     28th May 2020     Save    

Context: Although the recent steps taken by the governemnt to digitise education amidst Covid crisis is a welcome step, it cannot and should not become the default mode of education.

Importance of Brick and Mortar based education:

  • Plays a vital role in molding minds and in training young people to function as groups and within groups, negotiating relationships and imbibing the cultural codes of society.

Laudable steps taken :

  • Maintaining equality: in availability of educational resources like new textbooks in ePaathsahla, community podcasts and e-content for disabled students. This fills the gap between elite, poor and vulnerable students.
  • Circumventing Technology Divide: In providing access to educational content through DTH and not internet.
  • Ensuring Diversity: States have been allowed to air local language educational channels under Swayam Prabha.

Way Forward: Digitise Doordarshan terrestrial broadcast so that number of available channels increases for more content delivery.