Newspaper Rainbow Series

Simplifying Newspaper reading, this initiative identifies relevant headlines & best editorials summaries of the day from 7 National Dailies.

The safety net she needs

Context – Social security and work security are two sides of same coin and needs a r..

21st May 2020     Save

Unproductive Idea

Context: The crop diversification model proposed by the Telangana Government is coercive i..

21st May 2020     Save

Grasping the defence self-reliance nettle

Context: Promoting self-reliance in defence production will help address vulnerabilities i..

21st May 2020     Save

How public health boosts an economy

Context: A stronger health system in a country can lead to better outcomes on the economic..

21st May 2020     Save

Contradiction in terms

Context: A careful analysis of contradiction in PM’s self-reliance is needed to diff..

21st May 2020     Save

Migrant crisis may help plan viable roadmap

Context: A major overhaul in the working of government is required to handle current migra..

21st May 2020     Save

The Times they are for shenzhen

Context – Govt should adopt model of Autonomous Economic Zone for pushing growth in ..

20th May 2020     Save

Push has come to shove

Context – More steps should be taken in Agriculture, labour etc sector to make India..

20th May 2020     Save

How Covid Pandemic Could Reshape Life in Our Cities

Context: Cities being the economic and social engines of the nation must be made more tech..

20th May 2020     Save

Why India Needs More than Liquidity Dreams

Context: Governments weak fiscal stimulus package with more emphasis on liquidity is not s..

20th May 2020     Save