TIMOR LESTE (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

Context: The President of India praised the small yet active Indian community in Timor-Leste for strengthening bilateral ties and announced plans to open an Indian embassy there, with Timor-Leste also set to establish a resident mission in New Delhi.


  • About: East Timor is an island country located in the eastern Lesser Sunda Islands at the southern extreme of the Malay Archipelago.
  • Also known as: Timor Leste
  • Territorial Composition: The country occupies the eastern half of the island of Timor, along with the small nearby islands of Atauro (Kambing) and Jaco, and the enclave of Ambeno, including the town of Pante Makasar.
  • Capital: Dili
  • Bordered by: Timor Sea to the southeast, the Wetar Strait to the north, the Ombai Strait to the northwest, and western Timor (part of Indonesia's East Nusa Tenggara province) to the southwest.
  • Topography: The eastern part of Timor island is rugged, featuring mountains that rise to 9,721 feet (2,963 metres) at Mount Tatamailau, located in the center of a high plateau.
  • Climate: Dry tropical climate with moderate rainfall.
  • Vegetation: The hilly areas are covered with sandalwood, while scrub and grass, along with coconut palms and eucalyptus trees, grow in the lowlands.