Context: India and the US have signed a Security of Supply Arrangement (SOSA) and a Memorandum of Agreement on Liaison Officers, marking the latest in a series of bilateral military agreements that have strengthened defense and security cooperation between the two nations over the past decade.

Security of Supply Arrangement (SOSA)

  • About: It is a non-binding agreement between nations that prioritizes mutual support for defense-related goods and services during peacetime, emergencies, or armed conflict.
  • Features:

oReciprocal Priority Support: Under SOSA, the US and India will provide reciprocal priority support for goods and services that enhance national defence.

oIndustrial Resource Acquisition: The agreement will enable both countries to acquire necessary industrial resources from each other to address unexpected supply chain disruptions for national security.

  • Legal Status of SOSA: India is the 18th SOSA partner of the US. While SOSA aims to strengthen interoperability with US defence trade partners, it is legally non-binding.
  • Ongoing Agreement Negotiations: The US Department of Defense is working to finalize the Reciprocal Defence Procurement (RDP) Agreement with India, which will be legally binding.
  • Purpose of RDP Agreements: RDP Agreements are designed to promote rationalisation, standardisation, interchangeability, and interoperability of conventional defence equipment with US allies and friendly governments.
  • Current RDP Partnerships: The US has established RDP Agreements with 28 countries to date.

Memorandum of Agreement on Liaison Officers

  • About: The initiative aims to improve communication and intelligence sharing between India and the US.
  • Liaison Officer Deployment: Indian armed forces officers will be stationed at key US military commands to facilitate better coordination.
  • First Posting: India’s initial Liaison Officer will be assigned to the US Special Operations Command headquarters in Florida.
  • Strategic Collaboration: The initiative reflects a commitment to deeper military and strategic collaboration between the two nations.