SEAPLANE OPERATIONS (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Infrastructure (Govt. policies)

Context: The Union government released new Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) rules for seaplanes allowing non-scheduled operators to provide such services.


  • Definition: A seaplane is a fixed-wing aeroplane designed for taking off and landing on water.
  • Types of Seaplanes

oFlying Boats: Fixed-winged seaplanes with a hull for water landings and no land-based landing gear. The hull provides buoyancy, and smaller floats may be added near the wingtips.

oFloatplanes: Supported on water by pontoons or floats.

  • Global Presence: Seaplanes operate in the Philippines, Canada, Australia, the United States, Finland, the United Kingdom, Sri Lanka, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the United Arab Emirates, Italy, the Maldives, and Hong Kong.
  • Seaplanes in India
  • Jal Hans Service: Launched in December 2010 in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Jal Hans is a commercial seaplane service with a 10-passenger capacity.
  • India’s Seaplane Project: The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has sought proposals from Gujarat, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Andaman & Nicobar for water airports to enhance tourism.

oUnder: UDAN Scheme

oIndia’s first seaplane Project: Sabarmati Riverfront in Ahmedabad.

New Rules

  • Under the relaxed norms of the DGCA, there will be no need for a waterdrome licence and compliance requirements have also been reduced.
  • Pilots with a commercial pilot licence (CPL) can now qualify as seaplane rated pilots.
  • Non-scheduled operators are entities other than commercial airlines that have to operate their fleet as per a published schedule of flights.
  • The guidelines also define responsibilities of various stakeholders such as State government, seaplane operators and the Centre.