SEA DRAGON - 24 (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     10th January 2024        
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Context: Indian Navy's P8I aircraft landed at Guam, a US island territory in Western Pacific, to participate in Exercise Sea Dragon - 24.

Exercise Sea Dragon - 24

  • About: A joint operation every other year for allies to practice finding submarines with long-range aircraft.
  • Aim: To enhance synergy and interoperability amongst participating navies from US, Australia, South Korea and Japan through professional interactions on ground and in air.
  • Organized by: United States Navy
  • Participant: US, Australia, South Korea, India and Japan.

About P8I Aircraft

  • Indigenous Aircraft: The P8I aircraft is a long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft featuring advanced sensors, radars, and anti-submarine warfare capabilities.
  • Anti-Submarine Warfare Focus: Specifically designed for anti-submarine warfare, the aircraft excels in detecting, tracking, and engaging enemy submarines and other maritime threats.
  • Multi-Lateral ASW Exercise: This marks the third edition of the coordinated multi-lateral Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercise tailored for Long Range Maritime Reconnaissance ASW aircraft.
  • Inaugural Event: The inaugural session of this exercise took place in 2015, establishing it as a recurring event to enhance the capabilities and collaboration of Long Range MR ASW aircraft.
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