REVISED NATIONAL FOREST POLICY (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Env and Eco)

Context: India recently presented its updated National Forest Policy at the 19th United Nations Forum on Forests convened in New York, United States.

Revised National Forest Policy

  • Integrated Approach: India advocates for an integrated approach to forest fire prevention and management.
  • Technology Adoption for Fire Monitoring: India shares its experience with technology adoption, including remote sensing for near-real-time fire monitoring.

o The utilization of online portals for forest fire reporting is highlighted.

  • Ecosystem-Based Restoration: India emphasizes ecosystem-based approaches for post-fire restoration.
  • Global Standards for Forest Certification: India suggests creating universally accepted global standards for forest certification.

o There's a need to evaluate current certification programs against these universal standards.

  • Operationalization of Global Fire Management Hub

o India proposes operationalizing the Global Fire Management Hub by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and FAO.

o The hub aims to create a platform for sharing knowledge and experience in mitigating forest fires internationally.

o National Forest Policy 1988: To uphold environmental stability and maintain ecological balance, including atmospheric equilibrium, crucial for the survival of all life forms, including humans, animals, and plants.

UN Forum on Forests

  • About: It advocates for the management, conservation, and sustainable development of various forest ecosystems worldwide.
  • Establishment: 2000 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • Headquarters: New York
  • Objective: UNFF serves as a key platform within the UN system for addressing forest-related issues.
  • Membership: Member States of the United Nations and specialized agencies, fostering global collaboration and cooperation in forest management.
  • India's Role: India holds a significant position in the UNFF as a founding member.