REGULATORY SANDBOX (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Economy)

News-CRUX-10     29th February 2024        
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Context: RBI has tweaked its framework to promote innovations through a 'regulatory sandbox. The new framework will enable on tap proposals, replacing the previous structure where RBI presented challenges to a cohort of technology firms and required them to devise solutions within a specified time frame.

Regulatory Sandbox

  • About: It refers to live testing of new products or services in a controlled regulatory environment, providing a "safe space" for businesses.
  • Participants and Processes: The sandbox involves regulators, innovators, financial service providers, and customers conducting field tests to assess the benefits and risks of new financial innovations.
  • Benefits of Regulatory Sandbox: Regulators gain firsthand insights into emerging technologies, aiding in informed regulatory decisions.

oIntegration for Financial Service Providers: Incumbent providers enhance their understanding of new technologies, integrating them into their business models.

oCompliance for Innovators: Fintech companies grasp regulatory requirements, refining their products accordingly.

  • Facilitating Innovation

oProduct Viability Testing: Users assess the feasibility of products without expansive roll-outs, expediting market authorization.

oPromoting Financial Inclusion: Sandbox initiatives foster solutions in areas like microfinance, savings, remittances, and digital payments, enhancing financial accessibility.

  • Implementation Examples: India's regulatory bodies, including the Reserve Bank of India and others, operate their own sandboxes to encourage innovation in the financial sector.
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