Context: National Institute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, an Institute of National Importance under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has been awarded with the Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion for 2024 by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion

  • About: It recognizes individuals, institutions and/or governmental or non-governmental organizations that have demonstrated remarkable contributions to health promotion.
  • Established by: WHO in 2019.
  • Initiative of: Ministers of Health of Member States of the African Region.
  • Aim: The Award aims at rewarding work that has extended far beyond the call of normal duties.

Nelson Mandela

  • Early life: Born in South Africa, Mandela's upbringing was deeply rooted in the complexities of his nation's history and struggles.
  • Anti-Apartheid Revolutionary: Mandela emerged as a prominent figure in the fight against apartheid, advocating for the dismantling of racial segregation and discrimination.
  • Political Leader and Philanthropist: He not only led the anti-apartheid movement but also dedicated himself to philanthropic endeavors aimed at uplifting the marginalized communities.

o He advocated for a democratic South Africa where all races, languages, and viewpoints could coexist harmoniously, striving for equality and inclusivity.

  • Presidency (1994-1999): Mandela's presidency marked a pivotal moment in South Africa's history, symbolizing the triumph of democracy over oppression.
  • Published Works: Long Walk to Freedom" and "Conversations with Myself".