NATIONAL AYUSH MISSION (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Govt Schemes)

News-CRUX-10     16th February 2024        

Context: Recently, during the Regional Review Meeting of Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh organized by the Ministry of Ayush in Patna, Bihar, the Union Minister of Ayush and Ports, Shipping, and Waterways highlighted the global interest in holistic healthcare, with Yoga and Ayush gaining prominence worldwide.

National Ayush Mission

  • About:It is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented by the Government of India. 
  • Aim: To mainstream AYUSH Systems into health care services, to develop evidence-based AYUSH management protocol through scientific documentation and to ensure the accessibility of quality AYUSH services.
  • Launched: In 2014 by the Department of Ayush, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the National Ayush Mission is a centrally sponsored scheme.
  • Funding: 60% share is provided by the Central Government and 40% is provided by the State Government.
  • Values: Committed to provide Quality Care, Availability of conventional and alternative medicines,  Cost-effective medicine and Strengthen public health
  • Objectives of the National AYUSH Mission

oOffering Cost-Effective AYUSH Services: Providing AYUSH services through AYUSH hospitals, dispensaries, and integrating AYUSH facilities into Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs), and District Hospitals (DHs).

oStrengthening Institutional Capacities: Upgrading educational institutions, drug testing labs, AS&U pharmacies (Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani), and enhancing the AS&U enforcement mechanism at the state level for AYUSH systems.

oSupporting Medicinal Plant Cultivation: Promoting the cultivation of medicinal plants using Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) to ensure a sustained supply of quality raw materials for AYUSH drugs.

oEstablishing Clusters and Infrastructure: Assisting in the establishment of clusters by integrating cultivation, value addition, warehousing, marketing, and developing infrastructure to support entrepreneurs in the AYUSH sector.

output themes