INTERPOL (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     7th September 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) chief recently revealed that Interpol issued a record 100 Red Notices last year, the highest number ever, at India's request.

International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol)

  • About: It is the world's largest international police organization.
  • Headquarters: Lyon, France
  • Network of nations: A network comprising 192 member nations and headquartered in Lyon, France.
  • Objective: To enable police around the world to work together to make the world a safer place.
  • Working mechanism: The Interpol basically connects police across the world even if these individual member nations do not have diplomatic relations. 

oThe Interpol facilitates information exchange, knowledge sharing and research between nations. 

oThis is done by issuing colour-coded 'notices' in four languages - English, Spanish, French, and Arabic.

oThe Interpol doesn't have law enforcement powers such as arrest. 

  • India’s status: India has been a member since 1956. 

oNational Central Bureau: India maintains a National Central Bureau which serves as the national platform for cooperation between domestic law enforcement units and the international police community. 

oContact point: The NCB is the designated contact point for the Interpol. 

oCollaboration: India has collaborated with the Interpol in tackling a myriad of organised crimes.

Red Notice

  • Issued to locate and provisionally arrest an individual pending extradition. 
  • Issued by the General Secretariat at the request of a member country or an international tribunal based on a valid national arrest warrant. 
  • Other Type of Notice

oYellow Notice

oBlue Notice

oBlack Notice

oGreen Notice

oOrange Notice

oPurple Notice

QEP Pocket Notes