INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION NETWORK (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – International Organization)

News-CRUX-10     16th January 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: The Competition Commission of India (CCI) was inducted into the Steering Group of International Competition Network (ICN) recently. This is significant given the ICN's role in driving adoption of modern competitive standards and convergence across jurisdictions.

International Competition Network

  • About: The ICN officially came into existence on October 25, 2001, and it currently boasts a membership of 141 competition agencies representing 129 jurisdictions.
  • Mission: To champion the adoption of advanced standards and procedures in competition policy globally.
  • Objectives: It strives to formulate recommendations for both procedural and substantive convergence, fostering effective international cooperation for the mutual benefit of member agencies, consumers, and economies worldwide.
  • Addressing Global Competition Challenges: A central goal of the ICN is to devise solutions for competition-related challenges with a global impact.

oThis facilitates international communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution through project-oriented working groups covering advocacy, cartels, mergers, agency effectiveness, unilateral conduct, and more.

The Steering Group

  • About: ICN operates under the guidance of its apex body, the Steering Group, which plays a pivotal role in both principle and practice. This committee oversees the establishment of Working Groups, approves projects and reviews, and sanctions work plans developed by them.
  • Composition: 18 members (15 elected and 3 ex officio), is a key component of ICN's organizational structure. 
  • Member Countries: Germany, the US, Singapore, Canada, the UK, Australia, France, Brazil, Portugal, Colombia, Spain, Japan, the European Commission, South Korea, Mexico, Kenya, Italy, and South Africa and India.
QEP Pocket Notes