HANGOR CLASS SUBMARINE (Syllabus GS Paper 3 – Sci and Tech)

Context: The recently launched first Hangor class submarine, constructed by China for Pakistan, emerged from a Wuhan shipyard.

Hangor Class Submarine

  • About: This was the first of eight submarines of this class that the Pakistan Navy is set to induct into its fleet by 2028.
  • Basic Characteristics

oDiesel-Electric Propulsion: The Hangor-class utilizes diesel engines for surface and snorkeling operations, complemented by a battery for submerged operations, enhancing its stealth capabilities.

oAir Independent Propulsion (AIP) System: Equipped with an AIP system, the submarine extends its endurance underwater, allowing for longer missions without the need to resurface frequently.

oAttack Submarine Design: Tailored for offensive operations, the Hangor-class is adept at engaging and neutralizing other submarines or surface vessels using a variety of weapons.

oMissile Capabilities: Beyond torpedoes, the Hangor-class can launch anti-ship missiles and the Babur-3 subsonic cruise missile, providing a versatile and formidable arsenal for naval engagements.

Comparison with India’s Kalavari class

  • Size and Dimensions: The Hangor class surpasses the Kalavari class in size, with a displacement of 2,800 tons and a length of 76 meters.
  • Speed: Both submarines, Hangor and Kalavari, share a reported top speed of 20 knots (37 kmph).
  • Torpedoes and Missiles: Kalavari class is armed with six 21-inch German-made torpedoes and sophisticated missile systems like Exocet and MICA, potentially offering superior battle capabilities compared to Hangor.
  • Vertical Launch Systems and Cruise Missiles: Neither the Hangor nor the Kalavari class submarines feature vertical launch systems, limiting their capacity for carrying larger cruise missiles like the Brahmos-NG found on India’s nuclear Arihant class submarines.