GUIDELINE FOR ROSEWOOD SPECIES (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Env and Eco)

News-CRUX-10     13th July 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) has issued guidelines for its members involved in the sustainable harvest and trade of rosewood specimens.

Guideline of CITES for Rosewood Species

  • Scope of CITES Regulation: CITES oversees international trade of rosewood species like Dalbergia, Afzelia, Khaya, and Pterocarpus, all listed under Appendix II for regulated trade.
  • Guidelines: It issued in July prioritize capacity-building for 13 high-priority and 14 medium-priority rosewood species, crucial for sustainable trade management.
  • Threats: Pterocarpus erinaceus faces severe threats from over-exploitation and illegal trade, prompting trade suspension recommendations in its West African range states.
  • Role of Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs): Strengthening connections with the CITES-NDF Guidance module ensures sustainable global trade, protecting species while supporting livelihoods and industries.
  • Report on CITES-listed Rosewood Species: A comprehensive report by CITES outlines species characteristics, ecological roles, and trade levels, aiding in the formulation of effective conservation strategies.

o CITES will host a workshop in Douala focused on rosewood species in September, aiming to enhance knowledge exchange and conservation efforts among stakeholders.

Pterocarpus erinaceus

  • Known by:  Kosso, barwood, African kino tree, muninga, and vene.
  • The name mukwa is also used for this species as well as for other Pterocarpus species.
  • Found: Sahelian region of West Africa.

o Dalbergia sissoo is a rosewood species from India and Bangladesh, usually known as sheesham or North-Indian rosewood.

  • Conservation Status

o CITES: Appendix II

o IUCN: Endengenerd

  • Application:

o Used for fuel wood in local communities.

o Has medicinal uses in traditional medicine.

o Valued as a material for woodworking.

o Acts as a nitrogen-fixing plant, beneficial for improving nutrient-depleted farming land.

QEP Pocket Notes