GROUP OF 77 (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     20th January 2024        

Context: Minister of State for External Affairs of India will be on a three-day visit to Kampala in Uganda to participate in the Third South Summit of the Group of 77 and China (G-77).

Group of 77 and China (G-77)

  • Formation: The G77 was established at the United Nations (UN) on June 15, 1964, by 77 non-aligned nations during the UN Conference on Trade and Development.
  • Expansion: Originally consisting of 77 members, it has now expanded to include 134 developing countries.
  • Chairmanship: Cuba assumed the chairmanship of the G77 in 2023, succeeding Pakistan.
  • First Meeting: Algiers in 1967, leading to the adoption of the Charter of Algiers and the establishment of permanent institutional structures.
  • Global Presence: The G77 has chapters in various international locations, including Geneva (UN), Rome (FAO), Vienna (UNIDO), Paris (UNESCO), and Nairobi (UNEP), with an additional Group of 24 in Washington, D.C. (IMF and World Bank).
  • China's Involvement: China is officially recognized as a member of the G77 and is listed among its 134 member countries.

oDespite not considering itself a member, China consistently provides political support and financial contributions to the G77 since 1994.

  • Joint Declarations: The G77 delivers official statements under the banner of "The Group of 77 and China" or "G77+China," reflecting their collaborative representation at the UN.