GLOBAL INDIA AI SUMMIT 2024 (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Sci and Tech)

News-CRUX-10     4th July 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology is organizing the 'Global India AI Summit,' reaffirming the Government of India's commitment to the responsible development, deployment, and adoption of artificial intelligence.

Global IndiaAI Summit 2024

  • About: The summit will provide a platform for leading international AI experts from science, industry, civil society, governments, international organizations, and academia to share insights on key AI issues and challenges.
  • Aim: The summit aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange, underscoring India’s dedication to the ethical and inclusive growth of AI technologies.
  • Held: New Delhi
  • Theme 2024: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology (AISUMMIT-2024).
  • Establishing Global Leadership: Through the Global IndiaAI Summit 2024, India aspires to establish itself as a global leader in AI innovation, ensuring that AI benefits are accessible to all and contribute to the nation's socio-economic development.

India AI Mission

  • About: It represents a strategic endeavor aimed at spurring AI innovation, broadening access to computing resources, offering startup funding, promoting ethical AI practices, and fostering inclusive growth within India's AI ecosystem.
  • Implemented by: IndiaAI Independent Business Division (IBD) under Digital India Corporation (DIC).
  • Purpose: To catalyze India’s AI ecosystem, positioning it as a significant force shaping the future of AI both domestically and globally.
QEP Pocket Notes