Context: The Geological Survey of India (GSI) celebrated its 174th Foundation Day on 4th March, 2024, in a grand manner across all its offices throughout the country.
Geological Survey of India (GSI)
- About: GSI is a scientific agency of India.
- Founded: In 1851, as a Government of India organization under the Ministry of Mines
- Headquarters: Kolkata,
- 6 Regional Offices: Lucknow, Jaipur, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Shillong and Kolkata.
- Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Mines
- Functions: Creation and updating of national geoscientific information and mineral resource assessment constitute primary objectives.
- Ground surveys, air-borne and marine surveys, mineral prospecting, and investigations are employed to achieve these goals.
- Various methods, including multi-disciplinary geoscientific and geo-technical approaches, are utilized in pursuit of these objectives.
- Role of the Geological Survey of India (GSI)
oDevelopment Catalyst: The GSI has been instrumental in the nation's progress by furnishing crucial data on India's geology and mineral resources.
oEnhancing Understanding: It has significantly deepened our comprehension of the Earth's history, evolutionary processes, and dynamics through its research.
oNational Mapping Efforts: Mapping the entirety of India across various scales and producing thematic maps on diverse geological facets have been pivotal achievements of the GSI.