FRAME METHODOLOGY (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Env and Eco)

News-CRUX-10     5th September 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: Each food bank helps cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions equivalent to removing 900 gasoline-powered cars from the road for a year, according to the new Food Recovery to Avoid Methane Emissions (FRAME) methodology.

Food Recovery to Avoid Methane Emissions (FRAME)

  • About: The FRAME methodology measures the avoided emissions and additional benefits of redirecting food loss and waste to direct human consumption through food recovery and redistribution.
  • Developed by: The Global Food Banking Network (GFN) in collaboration with the Global Methane Hub and the Carbon Trust.
  • Aim: To enhance food recovery efforts.

oThe updated FRAME tool will enable food banks, recovery organizations, private sector companies, and experts to accurately measure and manage emissions from food recovery and redistribution.

  • Origin: Initially piloted in Mexico and Ecuador, the FRAME methodology analyzed six community-led food banks, revealing they prevented a total of 816 metric tonnes (MT) of methane emissions over a year.
    • Alignment with UN Target 12.3: The methodology supports the UN’s Target 12.3, which seeks to halve per capita global food waste at retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains by 2030.
    • Food Loss Statistics: The Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 14% of global food is lost post-harvest before reaching retailers, with an additional 17% wasted at retail and consumer levels, as reported by UNEP’s Food Waste Index Report.

    Global Food Banking Network (GFN)

    • About: GFN is a global not-for-profit organization dedicated to alleviating world hunger through food banking.
    • Launched: 2006
    • Objective: To nourish the world’s hungry through uniting and advancing food banks.
QEP Pocket Notes