EU ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ACT (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Sci and Tech)

News-CRUX-10     23rd July 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, the world's first comprehensive law, aims to harmonize regulations for AI models and systems. 

EU Artificial Intelligence Act

  • About: It established in 2021, categorizes AI technology into different risk levels, with "unacceptable" risk warranting a ban and other levels categorized as high, medium, and low hazards.
  • Features: This definition includes adaptiveness after deployment and the ability to generate outputs like predictions, content, or decisions, relevant for chatbots and job application screening tools.

oHorizontal Approach: The EU AI Act applies to all areas where AI is utilized.

oProhibited AI Systems: Systems that breach fundamental rights or pose unacceptable dangers, like social assessment tools generating biased risk profiles.

oHigh-Risk AI:  Systems significantly impacting people's lives and rights, including biometric identity, essential infrastructure, and applications in education, health, and law enforcement. 

oLimited-Risk AI: Systems requiring user involvement, such as chatbots and recommendation systems, which must be transparent and allow users to opt out.

oMinimal Risk AI: Systems with little or no risk, such as spam filters and smart appliances, which are generally exempt from specific AI rules but must adhere to existing laws like consumer protection and product safety.

Roadmap for India

  • Adaptation of EU Law: Countries around the world can emulate and adapt EU laws to align with their national priorities.
  • Legal Framework Reflection: India should develop a legal framework that minimizes risks while maximizing AI's benefits.
  • Regulatory Certainty: Ensuring regulatory certainty and alignment with global best practices will prevent compliance barriers that could hinder business growth.
  • Balancing Innovation and Protection: A legal framework should balance innovation with consumer protection to foster a competitive and inclusive environment.
  • Complementing Government Initiatives: Such a framework would support the government's efforts to position India as a key player in the global AI value chain.
QEP Pocket Notes