Context: The dhole has recently begun its comeback in Nepal, where it had been locally extinct for over a decade.
About: is a wild carnivorous animal, belonging to the family Canidae and the class Mammalia.
Scientific name: Cuon alpinus
Common Names: They are also known as Asian wild dogs.
Habitat: Dholes occurred throughout southern Russia, central Asia, south Asia, and southeast Asia.
Current Distribution: Recent research shows they are now restricted to south and southeast Asia, with the northernmost populations in China.
Distribution in India: In India, dholes are found in three main clusters: the Western and Eastern Ghats, the central Indian landscape, and North East India.
Conservation Efforts in India: Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh rank high in the conservation of the endangered dhole, as per a 2020 study.
Ecological Role: Dholes play a crucial role as apex predators in forest ecosystems.
Conservation Status
oIUCN Red List: Endangered.
oCITES: Listed in Appendix II.
oWildlife Protection Act, 1972: Included in Schedule II.