QEP Pocket Notes

Narrow the gap between rhetoric and action:
  • Meaning: It refers to the process of aligning one's words and promises with concrete and meaningful actions. It implies taking deliberate steps to ensure that what is said or promised is actually carried out in practice.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – government schemes and policies, Electoral reforms (Election manifesto), good governance, international commitments (Paris agreement, Kigali, climate finance etc.).
From geopolitics and geoeconomics to Geo-civics and geoscience:
  • Meaning: It represents a shift in focus from political and economic considerations to broader societal and scientific perspectives in international relations.
  • Geo-civics: Geo-civics broadens the perspective to include societal and ethical considerations within a global context.
  • Geoscience: Geoscience encompasses the scientific study of the Earth and its processes, including geology, meteorology, oceanography, and environmental science.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - international relations (challenges exists in IR – protectionism, border disputes, migration and refugee etc.), multilateralism, globalization etc.
Symbol of the modern aspirations:
  • Meaning: It refers to a representation or emblem that encapsulates the ambitions, desires, and goals of contemporary society. It signifies the values, ideals, and aspirations that are relevant and significant in the present time.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – critical technologies, sustainability, clean energy, universal healthcare and universal social security, space exploration etc.

Eliminating urban-rural dichotomy:

  • Meaning: The refers to the effort to erase or bridge the perceived divide and disparities between urban and rural areas. It involves addressing the social, economic, and infrastructure gaps that often exist between cities and the countryside.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – rural-urban divide in education system, healthcare, technologies, infrastructure, inclusive development, rural livelihood, etc.
From Cultural Disdain to Cultural Empathy:
  • Meaning: It represents a transformational journey in how individuals or societies perceive and interact with different cultures.
  • It describes the shift from a negative or dismissive attitude towards cultures that are perceived as foreign or unfamiliar to a positive and empathetic understanding and appreciation of those cultures.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – Indian Society, Social Empowerment, Communalism, Regionalism & Secularism, Indian Constitution, Social Justice, Inclusive development, SDGs, etc.

Example for creating space for integrating LGBTQIA+ Community:
  • Case: Tagore International School, New Delhi.
  • Step Taken: ‘Breaking Barriers’ campaign. It has been running for almost a decade now to promote inclusivity and dispel myths and misconceptions associated with the LGBTQIA+ community.
  • It is a one-of-its-kind student-led campaign as part of which they, encouraged by the faculty, sensitise other students to ensure a safe space for the Queer community.
Increasing innovation ecosystem in India:
  • India has now scaled up to 40th position as per Global Innovation Index (GII) 2022 as compared to 81st position in 2015.
  • Steps taken to improve innovation: NIDHI (National Initiative for Developing & Harnessing Innovations), Technology Development Board (TDB), Clean Energy International Incubation Centre (CEIIC) under Mission Innovation program, SATHI (Sophisticated Analytical & Technical Help Institute) and SUPREME (Support for Up-gradation Preventive Repair & Maintenance of Equipment) etc.

India’s Sugar Industry:
  • Status: India became the world’s top sugar producer in 2021-­2022, surpassing Brazil and is the world’s largest consumer of sugar.
  • Reason of surplus and high exports: Policies favoring sugarcane cultivation, such as the fair and remunerative price (FRP) scheme and State government subsidies.
  • Issues: India’s top sugarcane ­growing states rely heavily on groundwater for irrigation, leading to concerns over groundwater depletion.
Key Facts about Population growth and employment:
  • TFR rate: Currently, there are only five states (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Meghalaya and Manipur) where the total fertility rate (TFR) is above the replacement level of 2.1.
  • Role of education: NFHS-5 data shows women’s education and household income play a crucial role in determining fertility rate.
  • Gender gap in employability: There is a significant gender gap in current employment rates, with men three times (75%) more likely to be employed than women (25%) in the country.

Vice President’s Speech:
  • On Parliament: Parliament is a temple where debate, discussion, dialogue has to take place, and there is no place of disturbance.
  • On Human resource: The world is changed when you have rich human resources. The spinal strength, the backbone of any human resource, if it has to achieve great results, is knowledge, and learning.
  • On importance of villages: We are a country of variety - languages, regional cuisines and different kinds of climatic conditions. But success lies in reaching out to every village. 
  • On citizens: An informed citizen is the greatest spinal strength of any democratic process. Only informed citizens can neutralize anti national forces and narratives and to achieve informed citizen status, libraries - public libraries are quintessential.

S R Bommai vs Union of India (1994):
  • Supreme court (SC) of India recognized that ‘federalism’ is the basic structure/feature of India’s constitution, a proposition that cannot be disputed.
Need of assessing impact of drug on society:
  • Proposed by: Parliamentary standing committee on social justice and empowerment.
  • Need: So far, no study or survey has been undertaken to assess the impact of drug abuse on society by the ministry of social justice and empowerment.
  • Recommendation: A nationwide survey is needed as addiction to any drug substance not only affects a person’s health and well-being but also has a profound negative impact on the family members and on the society as a whole.

Tipping points in climate change:
  • Definition: IPCC (6th report) defines a tipping point as a "critical threshold beyond which a system reorganizes, often abruptly and/or irreversibly".
  • It is a critical threshold that, when crossed, leads to large and often irreversible changes in the climate system.
  • If tipping points are crossed, they are likely to have severe impacts on human society.
  • Definition: Quasi federalism is a term coined by Prof K C Wheare to describe nature of Indian Federalism.
  • It is used to describe as an intermediate form of system between a unitary state and federations or a federal governance but with strong center.

Quote on Education: Books are the windows to the world.”. - Rabindranath Tagore
  • Meaning: The quote reflects the idea that reading and engaging with books provide a unique and enlightening perspective on the vast and diverse world around us.
  • Just as windows allow us to see beyond the confines of our immediate surroundings, books offer a way to explore different cultures, ideas, experiences, and knowledge that might otherwise remain inaccessible.
Quote on Success: “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success”. - Alexander Graham Bell
  • Meaning: The quote emphasizes the critical role that thorough preparation plays in achieving success in any endeavor.
  • It suggests that taking the time and effort to plan, organize, and equip oneself with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources is a fundamental step toward reaching one's goals and objectives.
QEP Pocket Notes