
Uniting the hand, heart and head:
  • Meaning: It refers to achieving a balanced integration of practical skills, emotions, and intellectual capabilities in our actions and decision-making.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – Education system (from primary to higher level) and foundational literacy, NEP 2020, Skilling and demographic dividend etc.

Creating a virtuous cycle of investment and growth:

  • Meaning: It signifies establishing a positive feedback loop in which investment leads to economic growth, and that growth, in turn, attracts further investment, leading to more growth and prosperity.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - India as a ‘sweet spot’ for trade and investment, economic reforms and export regime, India@5 trillion economy/developed economy by 2047 etc.

From consumer of technology to an innovator of technologies:

  • Meaning: It signifies shifting from simply using existing technologies to actively creating new and groundbreaking solutions that can benefit society and drive progress.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - significance of India’s technological advancements like – Digital technologies (UPI, QR code), COVID vaccines, generic drugs, space technology etc.
3Ps of SDG (People, Planet, and Prosperity):
  • Meaning: The 3Ps of SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) represent three interconnected pillars that form the foundation for sustainable development.
  • People: Eradicating poverty, promoting social inclusion, ensuring access to education, healthcare, etc.
  • Planet: Protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, and addressing climate change etc.
  • Prosperity: Fostering economic growth, promoting innovation, and building resilient infrastructure etc.
  • Usage: Democracy and democratic principles, Indian Constitution, Parliament and State Legislatures, Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency and Accountability, Role of Civil Services in a Democracy, etc.

Step to introduce extended producer responsibility in automobile industry:
  • The Ministry of New and Renewable energy recently presented the draft Extended Production Responsibility (EPR) policy for vehicle manufacturers.
  • The government has come up with the policy for ‘End of Life’ (ELV) of vehicles.
  • According to the draft policy, the manufacturers and sellers will need to meet the EPR obligations, including the setting up of collection centers or their own authorized vehicle-scrapping centers for vehicles that have reached their end of life.

Renewable energy capacity in India:
  • As per Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, a total of more than 170 GW of renewable energy capacity has been installed in the country by the end of June 2023.
  • The share of non-fossil fuel in the total electricity production during the year 2022-23 was about 25%. It is likely to increase to about 68% by the end of 2031-32. 
  • India’s NDC: To achieve 500 GW of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030.

President’s Speech:
  • On India: India’s role and influence in the international arena is expanding rapidly - both as a driver of global growth and as a strong voice in global governance.
  • Today, the international community is looking towards India for solutions to complex global challenges: be it sustainable growth, climate change, cyber security, dealing with disasters or combating extremism and terrorism.
  • On civil servants: There is a need of cooperation among officers’ hand-in-hand to attain the larger goal of greater prosperity of India and community outreach must be delivered with sensitivity and a humane touch. 

Bibek Debroy Committee on railway reform (2015):
  • The key recommendations are:
  • Allow private entry, including in running of private trains;
  • Change the composition of the Railway Board; Decentralise decision-making to zones/divisions and even further below;
  • Separate the core functions of running trains from non-core functions like schools and medical services;
  • Set up a regulator;
  • Unify various railway services;
  • Transit to commercial accounting etc.
Supreme Court observation on Gender inequality:
  • B. Vijayakumar Case (1995): The SC while observing the existing gender inequality held that the insertion of clause (3) of Article 15 in relation to women is a recognition of the fact that for centuries, women of this country have been socially and economically handicapped.
  • As a result, they are unable to participate in the socio­economic activities of the nation on a footing of equality.

Compensatory Afforestation:
  • Definition: It is the process of afforestation, and associated regeneration activities, done to compensate for destroyed forest land that has been diverted to non-forest activities.
  • In India, it was made a legal requirement through the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act of 2016.
Digital public infrastructure:
  • Definition: In Public infrastructure: It refers to infrastructure facilities, systems, and structures that are developed, owned, and operated by the government. It includes all infrastructure facilities that are open to the general public for use.
  • Digital public infrastructure: It refers to digital solutions that enable basic functions essential for public and private service delivery, i.e., collaboration, commerce, and governance. Ex: Aadhar, CoWIN, ABHA etc.

Quote on Attitude: Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds”. - FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT
  • Meaning: The quote emphasizes the idea that individuals have the power to shape their destinies and that their beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes play a significant role in determining their life's outcomes.
  • It suggests that external circumstances or events (fate) do not solely dictate a person's life; instead, it is their mental perspective and approach that largely influence their actions and decisions.
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