Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     28th June 2023     Save    
From grey to green:
  • Meaning: The transformation or transition of urban areas or infrastructure from conventional, concrete-dominated environments (referred to as "grey") to more environmentally friendly, sustainable, and nature-integrated spaces (referred to as "green").
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to infrastructure (NIP, PM Gati shakti), energy sources, transportation, transition from non-renewable to renewable sources of energy (biofuels).

Creating knowledge bank: 
  • Meaning: It involves systematically collecting, organizing, and storing information and expertise to serve as a valuable resource for individuals, organizations, or communities.
  • Usage: It can be used as:
  • Creating knowledge bank of Indian art and culture, 
  • Creating knowledge bank of traditional knowledge, 
  • Creating knowledge bank of different languages and literature, 
  • Creating knowledge bank of religious texts,
  • Creating knowledge bank of human genome etc.

Behavioural Nudges for LiFE:
  • Meaning: They are techniques or interventions designed to influence people's behavior in a predictable and positive way. When it comes to LiFE (Low-carbon, intelligent, and Future-ready Economy), behavioral nudges can play a significant role in promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviors. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Lifestyle for Environment, individual/collective efforts for conservation of nature, solid waste management, disaster management etc.

From the Whole-Government approach to the Whole-People approach:
  • Meaning: Whole-Government approach: It refers to the joint activities performed by diverse ministries, public administrations, and public agencies.
  • Whole-People approach: It embraces the inclusive policy and approach that includes every section of the society.
  • Usage: It can be used in society (Women-LGBTQ & other vulnerable sections), Good Governance (grass-root democracy, digital inclusion), polity (Policy formulation & Implementation, participative democracy), Social Justice, Inclusive development, etc.

Social Movement by women:
  • Case: Manipur
  • Women known as Meira Paibis or “women torch bearers” are loosely organized, usually led by groups of senior women, but have no rigid hierarchy or structure, or any overt political leanings.
  • Social Work:  Fighting alcoholism and drug abuse has now expanded to countering human rights violations and the development of society at large.
Millets as source of entrepreneurship:
  • Case: Millet Mission in Odisha
  • The state launched the Millet Mission to improve nutritional security and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
  • It embraces a community-led approach involving 1,500 Tribal women-led self-help groups (SHGs) to foster millet entrepreneurship across the value chain.
  • Significan


Facts related to Millets Production: 
  • India is the world’s largest millet producer.
  • India’s Pearl Millet production accounts for 40% of the world’s millet production.
  • India’s government named millets as ‘Shree Anna’ in the Union Budget 2023-24.
Between 1962 and 2010:
  • India’s per capita millet consumption: Fell drastically by almost 80%,
  • While wheat consumption: Almost doubled.
QS world ranking, 2024:
  • The IIT, Mumbai: Ranked into the world’s top 150 universities.
  • 1st time in eight years: An Indian higher education institution has made it to the top 150 list. Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore previously achieving this feat in 2016 with a ranking of 147.
    India is the 7TH most represented country globally and the 3RD in Asia trailing only Japan and China (Mainland).

  • India needs a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) as the country could not run with the dual system of “separate laws for separate communities”.
  • The same rights for all citizens have been mentioned in the Constitution.

  • B. R. Ambedkar on Constitutional morality:
  • There is a need to invoke the spirit of the Constitution and accepting the necessity of the diffusion of constitutional morality for the peaceful working of a democratic Constitution.

Critical Minerals:

A critical mineral is a metallic or non-metallic element that has two characteristics:
  • It is essential for the functioning of our modern technologies, economies or national security and
  • There is a risk that its supply chains could be disrupted.
  • Critical minerals are used to manufacture advanced technologies including mobile phones, computers, fiber-optic cables, semi-conductors, banknotes, and defense, aerospace and medical applications.
  • Ex: copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earth elements.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR):
  • Definition: Antimicrobial/ Antibiotic resistance is a natural phenomenon that occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines, making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness, and death.
  • Antimicrobials: Including antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitic - are medicines used to prevent and treat infections in humans, animals, and plants.


  • Quote on International Agencies: “We need to question international agencies but we also need to get our own house in order”.   -   PM’S ECONOMIC ADVISORY COUNCIL
  • Meaning: It reflects the idea that it is essential to critically assess the role and actions of international agencies while simultaneously working towards strengthening internal capabilities to effectively navigate global challenges and achieve national objectives.
  • Quote on Youth: “Youth is not merely a passing phase of life; it is a state of mind. It is an inner radiance that stems from retaining a youthful spirit in an ageing body.
  • Meaning: It reflects the importance of youth and their inner radiance that stems from a positive mindset, a zest for life, and a determination to live with purpose and passion.