QEP Pocket Notes


Silver lining of global challenges:
  • Meaning: It refers to finding a positive or hopeful aspect in difficult, adverse, or challenging situations that affect the world as a whole. 
  • It's the idea that even in the midst of significant global problems or crises, there may be some positive outcomes or opportunities for growth and improvement.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Emerging trend of de-globalisation, protectionism etc., problem of pandemic like COVID, climate changes, terrorism, refugee and migration Etc.
The problem of plenty: 
  • Meaning: It is used to describe a situation where having too many choices, options, or resources can lead to difficulties, challenges, or even negative consequences. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – complex, fragmented and numerous numbers of laws, regulations and bureaucratic hurdles, large population in India, producing water extensive crops in excess, mass migration to urban areas Etc.
India as an agenda-setter:
  • Meaning: It refers to India's ability to influence, shape, and lead discussions and decision-making processes on various global or regional issues, policies, or agendas. 
  • When India is seen as an agenda-setter, it means that the country is actively taking initiatives, proposing ideas, and exerting its influence to drive the conversation and prioritize specific topics or goals on the international stage.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – India’s growing prowess in world order, G20 and India’s achievements, India’s proposals like – ISA, One sun one grid, CDRI, etc., India’s soft power Etc.
From ‘Tryst with Destiny’ to “Tryst with Modernity”: 
  • Meaning: Tryst with Destiny: Articulated by Jawaharlal Nehru, it signifies the hopes and dreams of a newly liberated nation.
  • Tryst with Modernity: It signifies India's commitment to embracing modernization, industrialization, economic development, and technological advancement.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Manufacturing, Make in India and Atmanirbhar Bharat, Technological development in India – like ML, AI, IoT etc., Space sector, India as a developed economy by 2047, Etc.


Initiatives taken by the government in agricultural sector:
  • The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare launched three initiatives, namely: The Kisan Rin Portal (KRP), KCC Ghar Ghar Abhiyaan, and a manual on Weather Information Network Data Systems (WINDS). 
  • Kisan Rin Portal (KRP):  To revolutionize access to credit services under the Kisan Credit Card (KCC). It will also assist farmers in availing subsidized agriculture credit through the Modified Interest Subvention Scheme (MISS).
  • Ghar-Ghar KCC Abhiyaan: Door to Door KCC Campaign: For universal financial inclusion and ensuring that every farmer has unhindered access to credit facilities that drive their agricultural pursuits. 
  • Weather Information Network Data Systems (WINDS) initiative: A pioneering effort to establish a network of Automatic Weather Stations & Rain Gauges at the taluk/block and gram panchayat levels. This initiative creates a robust database of hyper-local weather data, supporting various agricultural services.


Increasing global debt:
  • As per the Institute of International Finance (IIF): 
  • The global debt had risen by $10 trillion in the first half of 2023 and by $100 trillion over the past decade. 
  • The global debt-to-GDP ratio at present goes to 336%.
  • Largest share of debts: More than 80% of the debt build up had come from the developed world with the US, Japan, Britain and France registering the largest increases, not by developing countries but is increasing.
Decreasing household saving rate in India:
  • According to the RBI report: The Indian household savings reached decadal lows in 2023.
  • Net financial assets of households have been declining consistently from 11.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) in FY21, to 7.2% the following year, and plummeting to 5.1% during FY23.


Vice President's speech:
  • On India’s rise in global world order: Bharat is defining global discourse, shaping their outcome and has emerged as a significant player among the comity of nations. 
  • It is dominating as an agenda-setter for global peace, climate transition and economic development on par with other leading players.
Prime Minister’s speech: 
  • With a spirit of unity, our conduct and our speech, our resolutions should serve as an inspiration for the nation and every citizen.
  • Parliament is the highest institution of national service. It has been created not for the welfare of political parties but solely for the welfare of the nation, as our Constitution makers envisioned. 
  • In a democracy, politics, policies, and power are important means to bring about effective change in society. 


Supreme Court (SC) judgements:
  • Kihoto Hollohan versus Zachillhu (1992) popularly known as the Anti-Defection case: It upheld the validity of the Tenth Schedule but declared Paragraph 7 (barring court jurisdiction in respect of any matter connected with the disqualification of a member of a House under this Schedule) of the Schedule invalid for want of ratification.
  • Union of India versus Rajendra N. Shah case (2021): SC struck down provisions of the Constitution (97th Amendment) Act, 2011 to the extent that it introduced Part IX B in the Constitution to deal with co-operative societies. The Court unanimously held that the amendment required ratification by at least one-half of the State legislatures as per Article 368(2) of the Constitution, since it dealt with an exclusive State subject.


Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme:  
  • Definition: The production Linked Incentive or PLI scheme is a form of performance-linked incentive to give companies incentives on incremental sales from products manufactured in domestic units. It is aimed at boosting the manufacturing sector and to reduce imports.
Gender Budgeting:
  • Definition: According to the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD), gender budgeting is a tool to achieve gender mainstreaming incorporating a gender perspective and sensitivity at all levels so as to ensure that the benefits of development reach women as much as men. 


Quote on Women: Women belong in all places where decisions are being made”. –  R. B. GINSBURG
  • Meaning: The quote emphasizes the importance of gender equality and women's participation in leadership and decision-making roles across various sectors of society. This sentiment is part of a broader movement advocating for gender equity and women's empowerment.
Quote on Intentions & Actions: “यद भावं तद भवति’ which means our intentions shape our actions”. - Sanskrit saying
  • Meaning: The quote highlights the idea that our thoughts, desires, and motivations play a significant role in determining how we behave and the choices we make. It suggests that the reasons behind our actions, our intentions, are key factors in influencing our behavior.
QEP Pocket Notes