Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     20th June 2023     Save    
Farm gate to Firm Gate to Home Gate approach:

  • Meaning: It refers to a value chain concept that encompasses the entire journey of agricultural products from the farm to the consumer's home. 
  • It emphasizes the integration of different stages in the supply chain to ensure efficiency, quality control, and consumer satisfaction.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to agricultural reforms (supply chain, quality and food security), agripreneurship, Food processing etc.

Breaking the shackles of poverty cycle (Breaking Shackles, Building Aspirations):
  • Meaning: It signifies freeing oneself from the constraints, limitations, or oppressive circumstances that prevent upward mobility, personal growth, or social progress.
  • Usage: It can be used as breaking the shackles of poverty cycle, women subjugation/Patriarchy, social and cultural norms, psychological constraints, Colonial/Slavery mindset, etc.

Viksit Yuva Viksit Bharat - Developed Youth – Developed India:
  • Meaning: It refers to empower the youth of India and promote their active participation in shaping the country’s future.
  • Usage: Youth empowerment and role in making Atmanirbhar Bharat, Skill development, Education, Employment, Demographic dividend, Agriculture (technological and digital knowledge) etc.

Deal-centric economy to Rules-centric economy:
  • Meaning: Deal-centric economy: In a deal-centric economy, economic transactions and outcomes heavily rely on individual negotiations, personal relationships, lobbying and informal arrangements. 
  • Rules-centric economy: Economic activities are governed by clear and transparent rules, regulations, and laws that apply to all participants equally. 
  • Usage: In Economic policies and reforms, good governance, crony capitalism, corruption, Resource allocation (licenses – Telecom, Coal, Airport etc.), Infrastructure, FDI, Inclusive development etc.
  • Welfare Measures: Affirmative actions towards women and transgenders:
    The Shakti scheme of Karnataka Government: The scheme allows women and transgenders to travel for free in non-luxury and non-AC government buses across the state.  
  • Initiative for training of young government professionals:
    DAKSHTA (Development of Attitude, Knowledge, Skill for Holistic Transformation in Administration) for Young Professionals. It is available on the iGOT Karmayogi Platform.
  • Objective: Tailored for Young Professionals & Consultants engaged in Government, this collection (consisting of 18 courses) seeks to build functional, domain and behavioural competencies by acquainting learners with subjects crucial for discharging their duties, and responsibilities effectively.
  • The iGOT Karmayogi Platform: A comprehensive online portal to guide government officials in their capacity building journey.
  • The portal combines 6 functional hubs for online learning, competency management, career management, discussions, events and networking.

Remittance cost:
  • Remittance: India stands first globally in remittances receipts (Followed by Mexico and China).
  • Remittance cost: As per the World Bank, India has reduced the average cost of receiving remittances in the last 10 years from around 9% to 4%. 
  • Cost saving = higher spending power
Status of Indian Economy:
  • India took: 63 years to reach $1 trillion GDP, 7 years to hit $2 trillion GDP, 3 years to hit $3 trillion GDP, and Estimated to reach $25 trillion GDP by 2047, 100 years after Independence.
  • Global status: In 1700: India accounted for over 35% of global GDP (world’s biggest).
  • In 1991: Almost 1%. 
  • In 2023: It is at around 4%-5% and rising.
  • Mobile and data consumption (per capita): From 122nd to rank 1st in last 8 years.
President Speech on India-Vietnam relations:
  • Vietnam is an important pillar of India’s Act East policy and a key partner of the country's Indo-Pacific Vision.
  • India’s ‘Act East’ policy: A diplomatic initiative to promote economic, strategic and cultural relations with the vast Asia-Pacific region (mainly extensive economic and strategic relations with the nations of Southeast Asia) at different levels. 

  • Definition: Diaspora refers to a large group of people who share a cultural and regional origin but are living away from their traditional homeland.
  • According to a Ministry of External Affairs report, there are 32 million NRIs and PIOs (including OCIs) reside outside India and overseas Indians comprise the world's largest overseas diaspora.
Gender apartheid:
  • Definition: The United Nation defines gender apartheid as "economic and social sexual discrimination against individuals because of their gender or sex".
  • Examples: The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Taliban in Afghanistan are often described as “gender apartheid” regimes for their treatment of women as secondclass citizens under law and policy.
  • Quote on Youth: “My hope of the future lies in the youths of character, intelligent, renouncing all for the service of others, and obedient, good to themselves and the country at large.   -   Swami Vivekananda
  • Meaning: It highlights the importance of youth for a nation.
  • t signifies that young individuals who possess character, intelligence, selflessness, and obedience can make a positive impact on themselves and society as a whole.
  • Quote on Constructive Criticism: “He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.” ABRAHAM LINCOLN                    
  • Meaning: It emphasizes the value of constructive criticism that arises from a genuine desire to help and make a difference. It highlights the importance of combining the willingness to provide assistance with the courage to voice concerns or suggestions for improvement.
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