Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     1st July 2023     Save    
From copying and imitating to innovating and creating:

  • Meaning: It signifies the process or transformation from just copying and imitating products/research/innovation/process to creating original products like medicine/research and innovation etc.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Innovation, research and development, start-ups and entrepreneurship, higher educational institutions, scientific and academic community, IPR and patent etc.

Digital health for all: A pre-condition for ‘Health for all’: 
  • Meaning: It signifies that digital health has the potential to be a critical pre-condition for achieving "Health for All”, the goal of ensuring universal access to healthcare services and improving overall health outcomes. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Digitization of health facility, Universal health, India as a hub of healthcare facility, Digital India etc.

Principles of 2Es and 2Cs (equity, efficiency, certainty, and convenience):
  • Meaning: The principles of 2Es and 2Cs - equity, efficiency, certainty, and convenience, are used as guiding principles in various domains, including public policy, economics, and service delivery. 
  • Equity refers to fairness and justice in the distribution of resources, opportunities, and benefits. 
  • Efficiency relates to achieving optimal outcomes with the minimum use of resources. 
  • Certainty refers to predictability and reliability. 
  • Convenience emphasizes ease, accessibility, and user-friendliness.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Tax and fiscal policy, monetary policy, bureaucracy and civil services, investment and business opportunity etc.

From Patriarchal norms to a Gender-equal society:
  • Meaning: Patriarchal norms: Social norms where men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege, and control of property.
  • Gender-equal society: It is a society in which people of all genders shall be given equal opportunities to participate voluntarily in activities at all levels.
  • Usage: It can be used in Women empowerment, LGBTQ+ rights, Inclusive development, Structure, Organization, and Functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary, social Justice, Armed forces etc.

Women movement for their liberation and upliftment:

Case: Marathwada region (Mumbai)
  • Steps taken: India’s Ekal Mahila Sangathan (Single Women’s Organisation), an NGO organized a kabaddi competition to bring out women (widows, single women, women who are divorced and those abandoned) from their home and face social ostracization.
  • Significan

Success story of GST implementation: 
Response of Industries:
  • 94% of industry leaders viewed the transition to GST as largely positive and 88% MSME respondents terming it positive.
Revenue of central government: 
  • Tax buoyancy (2018-19 to 2022-23): It was 1.25. This implies tax revenues grew faster than the average nominal GDP, at 12.3% pa vis a vis 9.8% pa for GDP.
  • Revenue of state government: Tax buoyancy (2017-18 to 2022-23): It was 1.22 (with compensation) and 1.15 (without compensation) which is more than 0.72 before GST implementation.

Need of participatory, forward looking/future-oriented education system:
  • A World Economic Forum report indicates that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that do not even exist today. 
  • The formal education system is thus faced with the problem of the “unknown unknown”, preparing students to face the problems of tomorrow's world when the problems themselves are unknown.

PM Speech on Educational Institutions in India:
  • The universities and educational institutions of any nation present a reflection of its achievements.
  • India’s rich education system is the carrier of India's prosperity.
  • IITs, IIMs and AIIMS, all these institutes are becoming the building blocks of new India.
  • India is playing a pivotal role on the global stage, with its agenda on future skills, research, technology, foundational literacy and numeracy, aligned with the expectations of the Global South.

Supreme court on Governor's role:
  • In Shamsher Singh vs State of Punjab, 1974: The SC said that the governor must exercise his powers “only upon and in accordance with the aid and advice of their ministers, save in a few well-known exceptional situations”. 
  • In the political crisis in Maharashtra (2023): The SC said that the governor cannot exercise a power that is not conferred on him by the Constitution or a law made under it.”

Urban Heat Island: 
  • Definition: The urban heat island (UHI) effect is a common environmental problem occurring in metropolitan areas in which the air temperature is significantly higher than in suburban or rural areas. 
  • It occurs when cities replace natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, buildings, and other surfaces that absorb and retain heat.

  • Definition: Reservation is a tool to ensure the representation of underrepresented and structurally oppressed communities and the redistribution of public goods and resources. 
  • Vertical reservation is available for people in the SC, ST and OBC communities. 
  • Horizontal reservation refers to reservation under existing vertical categories for persons such as women, persons with disabilities, etc.

  • Quote on Curiosity and Discovery: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known”.   -   CARL SAGAN
  • Meaning: It suggests the spirit of exploration, curiosity, and the endless possibilities of discovery that exist in the world. 
  • It inspires us to maintain a sense of curiosity, embrace the unknown, and actively seek out knowledge and understanding. 
  • It speaks to the inherent human desire to explore, learn, and uncover the mysteries of the universe.
  • Quote on Governor’s Office: “Under our constitutional scheme, the governor acts on the aid and advice of the council of ministers. The role of the governor is a non-activist one.”    - ARUN JAITLEY
  • Meaning: The statement suggests the non-activist role of the governor's powers which are exercised in accordance with the principles of parliamentary democracy and the advice of elected representatives.