output themes

From production centric to farmer’s centric agriculture policy:
  • Meaning: It suggests a shift in focus from solely increasing agricultural output and productivity to prioritizing the welfare and empowerment of farmers.
  • This shift recognizes that sustainable agricultural development is closely linked to the well-being of farmers and their communities.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – agricultural reforms (issue of productivity, issue of farmer’s plight), government policies and subsidies towards farmers, SDGs and inclusive growth, rural economy etc.
  • Meaning: It is a term used to refer to female entrepreneurs, specifically women who are actively involved in starting, managing, and running their businesses. The word is a combination of "she" and "entrepreneurs," highlighting the focus on women in entrepreneurship.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - women empowerment and women led development, gender equality and equity, women role in economy, India @ developed nation by 2047 etc.
From shifting goal posts to setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals:
  • Meaning: It signifies a transition from policy of changing your goal time to time to setting up a SMART goal i.e., specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals.
  • Usage: Government policies and schemes (changing goal of eradicating manual exchanging, cleaning ganga, reducing fiscal deficit), Environmental goals (Kyoto protocol to Paris agreement), etc.
Future is Bright and the Future is India:
  • Meaning: It reflects the optimism and potential in India's future. It signifies India’s strides in various fields and has the potential to play a major role on the global stage.
  • Usage: Make in India, Atmanirbhar bharat, Investment and trade opportunity in India, space technologies, semi-conductor industry, chip industry, critical technologies etc.

The success story of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY):
  • Achievements: The share of Indian households using LPG as the primary cooking fuel had risen to more than 70% in 2020 from around 30% in 2011.
  • Challenges: India’s dependence on imported LPG has steadily increased to over 64% in FY23 (versus 46% in the pre-PMUY phase). 

Increasing rate of financial inclusion among women:
  • According to RBI’s ‘Deposits with Scheduled Commercial Banks, 2023:
  • Women have started saving more than men: In FY2023 (Banking sector)
  • Overall deposits: Increased by 10.2%,
  • Share of individuals in total deposits declined during the year,
  • Share of women customers: Increased to more than 20% from around 18% five years ago.
  • The share is highest in case of rural areas, with women deposits accounting for 41% of the incremental rural deposits during the same period.
India’s female labor force participation rate (LFPR):
  • In the last two decades, female LFPR has fallen from 30% to 24%, despite the Class 10 enrolment rate among girls increasing from over 46% to 87%.
  • In 2022, India’s female LFPR (24%) was the lowest among BRICS countries (excluding Russia).

Two committees’ recommendations on Western Ghats (WGs):
  • Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) headed by Prof. Madhav Gadgil: It recommended that all of the Western Ghats be declared as the Ecological Sensitive Areas (ESA).
  • High Level Working Group (HLWG) headed by Dr. K. Kasturirangan: It proposed 37% of the total area of Western Ghats, to be declared as eco-sensitive area (ESA).  The report recommended a blanket ban on mining, quarrying, setting up of red category industries and thermal power projects.

Windfall tax:
  • Definition: A windfall tax is a higher tax levied by the government on specific industries when they experience unexpected and above-average profits.
  • As the name suggests, “windfall” refers to a dramatic and unanticipated increase in profits. On the other hand, “tax” implies an imposition levied on this dramatic income growth. 
  • For instance, the recent Russia-Ukraine war benefitted oil and gas industries with a sudden rise in their profit. So, the government imposed a windfall tax on these industries.
  • Definition: According to the United Nations, Disaster is the occurrence of a sudden or significant catastrophe that impairs a society’s (or community’s) fundamental structure and daily operations.
  • According to the World Bank, a disaster is an extraordinary, short-lived event that significantly disrupts a nation’s economy.

Quote on difficulties and opportunities: What hurts you, blesses you. The darkness is your candle”. - RUMI
  • Meaning: The quote suggests that challenges and difficult experiences in life can ultimately lead to growth, learning, and transformation.
  • What hurts you, blesses you: Adversity and difficult experiences can be painful and challenging in the moment, but they can also be opportunities for personal development and growth.
  • The darkness is your candle: In times of darkness, uncertainty, or difficulty, there can be hidden opportunities for self-discovery and enlightenment. Just as a candle shines brightest in the darkness, these challenging moments can illuminate aspects of ourselves and our lives that we may not have noticed before.