output themes


Carbon conundrum:
  • Meaning: In the context of environmental discussions, a "carbon conundrum" could refer to the complex and challenging issues related to carbon emissions and climate change. It might be used to describe the difficulties and dilemmas associated with reducing carbon emissions, transitioning to cleaner energy sources, and mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – carbon conundrum for developing countries, for India, etc., Growth vs environment, climate change and zero carbon emission Etc.
Age of digital colonialism: 
  • Meaning: It refers to a concept that describes the contemporary situation in which powerful and technologically advanced nations or corporations, often from the developed world, exert significant influence and control over digital resources, data, and platforms in less technologically developed regions or countries. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – Digital technologies and use of data in various technologies, Digital India prog., Critical technologies like – ML, IoT, Data protection Bill Etc.
From truth decay to information integrity:
  • Meaning: It conveys a transformation or improvement in the quality and reliability of information and knowledge. 
  • It represents a shift from a situation characterized by a decline in the accuracy and trustworthiness of information, which is often referred to as "truth decay," to one where information is characterized by integrity, honesty, and a commitment to factual accuracy.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Data and its importance (census, independence of institutions), RTI and citizen charters, good governance, Transparency and  openness, Probity in governance Etc.
From unilateral action to collective climate action: 
  • Meaning: It describes a shift in the approach to addressing climate change and environmental issues. It signifies a move away from individual or isolated efforts taken by one entity, such as a single country or organization (unilateral action), toward a collaborative and coordinated approach involving multiple parties, often on a global scale (collective climate action).
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – Climate change, UNFCCC, Paris agreement, Mission LiFE, Net zero emission, sustainable development Etc.


Outreach programme to provide marketing and business skills to people in Maoist affected areas:
  • Case: Lohardaga, Jharkhand.
  • Step taken: Management Development Programme (MDP).
  • It was an initiative devised by Lohardaga district’s Deputy Commissioner, who, with the help of the Niti Aayog Prize money allocated to aspirational districts, organised 10 days of classes taken by IIM Ranchi professors. They provided a crash course on marketing and business skills.


Key facts related tourism sector in India: According to the report titled “How India Travels”:
  • India will become the fourth-largest global spender on travel by 2030.
  • The report called the upcoming decade as India’s “golden age” in the travel industry. 


President’s speech: 
  • On climate change: Global warming and climate change are a crisis for the existence of entire humanity.
  • On Goals: To turn dream into reality, we have to come out of man-made narrow-mindedness.


Committees on backward classes (BCs):
  • Mungeri Lal Commission (1970) in Bihar: It named 128 “backward” communities, 94 of which were identified as “most backward”.
  • First OBC Commission headed by Kaka Kalelkar (1953-55): it recommended enumerating castes in the 1961 census, providing 25-40% reservation at different levels of government jobs, and 70% reservation for admission to technical and professional institutions.
  • Second OBC Commission or B P Mandal Commission (1979): It recommended 27% reservation in government jobs and admissions to all government-run scientific, technical, and professional institutions.
  • Rohini commission for subcategorisation of OBCs: It submitted its report on July 2023, but its contents are not public.


Belt and Road Initiative (BRI):  
  • Definition: The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), also known as the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative, is a large-scale infrastructure and economic development project launched by the People's Republic of China which aims to enhance economic connectivity and cooperation between China and countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and other regions.
  • Definition: Consciousness is awareness of internal and external existence. It is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human experience that is central to our awareness, perception, and subjective understanding of the world and ourselves.


Quote on Equality: The defect of equality is that we only desire it with our superiors”. –  HENRY BECQUE
  • Meaning: The quote suggests that people often desire equality or fairness primarily when they find themselves in a position of relative disadvantage, particularly in comparison to those who are in positions of authority or superiority. 
  • It underscores the challenge of achieving true equality, as it often requires overcoming self-interest and addressing disparities even when one is in a superior position. It's a commentary on the complex and often contradictory nature of human attitudes toward equality and fairness.
output themes