Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     19th June 2023     Save    
output themes

Collective harm to society:
  • Meaning: The negative consequences or impact that affects a society as a whole rather than being limited to specific individuals or groups.
  • It occurs when actions, policies, or behaviors lead to detrimental effects on the well-being, progress, or functioning of the community or society at large.
  • Usage: It can be used in polity & democracy (failure of democratic or constitutional values, authoritarianism), environment (climate change/global warming, pollution), society (lack of harmony, intolerance, communalism), social media, Cybersecurity (Data Privacy) etc.
Double threat: Along Border:
  • Meaning: It refers to the challenges and complexities arising from two front war (China & Pakistan) and the intersection of traditional border conflicts and emerging forms of warfare in contemporary times.
  • Usage: It can be used in Internal and border security, Defense forces, cyber warfare, bilateral relations (China) etc.
  • Extended usage: Nutrition (Double threat of Malnutrition & Obesity), Climate change (Double threat of Climate Change & Food Insecurity; Climate Disaster & Poverty), Pandemic (Double threat of loss of lives & livelihood).
Culture of Authority to Culture of Justification to Culture of Collaboration & Empowerment: 
  • Meaning: Culture of Authority: Describes a Top-down approach to governance wherein the decisions are unilaterally taken and communicated to the people, without regard to their needs or participation.   
  • Culture of Justification: Describe a mindset in which decisions, actions, or policies are expected to be justified through reasoned arguments, evidence, and adherence to established norms or values.
  • Culture of Collaboration: Decision-making processes emphasize the involvement and cooperation of individuals and groups.
  • Culture of Empowerment: Focuses on decentralizing decision-making authority and empowering individuals or teams.
  • Usage: In policy making & implementation, Inclusion (Social, economic and political), governance (Civil services reforms), citizen empowerment (participation, capacity building) etc.

Gender-affirming Policy/ Schemes/ Initiatives:
  • Meaning: The policy which does not discriminate against people based on gender in accessing social services such as education, employment, and healthcare and recognizes the right to self-perceived gender identity.
  • Usage: Women empowerment & LGBTQ+ rights (Social, economic & political, international policies/agreements), policy formulation and implementation, Social Inclusion, Skill development, Governance, Technology etc.
  • Collective and Individual efforts for water harvesting/conservation:
  • Banda district of UP: The Pradhan of Luktara Gram Panchayat, built more than 40 ponds in the area, taking the people of the village along with him.
  • Result: The ground water level in his village is improving.
  • Hapur district in U.P: People collectively have revived an extinct river named Neem.
  • Significan
IPCC report (2023 Climate Change Synthesis Report) on global warming and GHG emission: 
  • Governments are not doing enough to tackle the crisis. 
  • At the current pace of remedial measures: Global average temperature will rise to 2.7 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels by 2100.
  • All the international net-zero targets put together would still warm the planet by 2.2 degrees Celsius.
  • 10% of the world’s richest countries emit 50% of the greenhouse gases, while the poorest account for 12%.
Wealth Drain from India:
  • India is expected to lose more than 6000 high net-worth individuals (HNWIs), worth $1 million or more in 2023 (second biggest loser of millionaires, after China). 
  • Reasons: Prohibitive tax legislation and complex rules relating to outbound remittances.
  • Top destination: The US, Canada and Australia not just for the rich but for Indians from lower income brackets as well.
Vice-President Speech on conservation of nature.
  • There is a need of reinvigorating our traditional water harvesting structures such as johads (ponds) through renewed commitment to the “3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.”
  • Conservation of water has always been an inalienable facet of India’s civilizational ethos.
  • It is the responsibility of every citizen to ensure the wise use of nature’s gifts.
  • Natural resources utilisation has to be as per our optimum necessity,”.
HC judgment on ‘Right to change one’s name or surname’:
  • The right to change one’s name or surname is a part of the right to life under Article 21, the High Courts of Allahabad and Delhi recently said.
  • The fundamental right to keep or change one’s name is vested in every citizen under Articles 19(1)(a), 21, and 14 of the Constitution. 
  • Definition: It is a term used to describe a false, misleading, or untrue action by an organization about the positive impact that a company, product, or service has on the environment.
  • Blue washing: The practice of issuing false or unverified claims connected to the social aspects of a product. 
Philosophy of trusteeship:
  • Definition: Trusteeship is a socio-economic philosophy developed by Mahatma Gandhi which refers to the idea that individuals and institutions have a responsibility to manage and utilize resources in the best interest of society as a whole.
  • Trusteeship provides a means of transforming the present capitalist order of society into an egalitarian one. 
Quote on Human Rights: “To deny people their human right is to challenge their very humanity”. -NELSON MANDELA
  • Meaning: It highlights the importance human rights for an individual.
  • Human rights are universal entitlements that are inherent to all individuals by virtue of being human. They encompass fundamental principles such as dignity, equality, freedom, and justice.

Quote on Motivation: “Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” - ABRAHAM LINCOLN
  • Meaning: It encourages individuals to consider their actions and choices carefully, ensuring that they align with their values, principles, and moral compass. 
  • Putting your feet in the right place: It implies making choices that are morally sound, just, and in line with one's beliefs.
  • Need to stand firm: Once a decision has been made. It encourages resilience, determination, and the ability to hold steadfastly to one's convictions, even in the face of challenges, opposition, or doubt.
output themes