QEP Pocket Notes


Principle of “jan bhagidari se jan kalyan”:
  • Meaning: It is a concept that emphasizes the involvement and participation of the people (Jan Bhagidari) in the process of improving the well-being and welfare (Jan Kalyan) of society.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Participatory and inclusive governance, citizen centric approach, Government policies and its implementation through public participation, Swachh Bharat Mission Etc.
Clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive (CS-JAI) energy transition: 
  • Meaning: This keyword represents a comprehensive and holistic approach to transforming the energy sector to address a range of critical goals and values. It recognizes that achieving one goal, such as clean energy, should not come at the expense of others, such as affordability or social justice. Instead, it seeks to find synergies among these objectives to create a more balanced and sustainable energy future. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – From fossil to green fuel (hydrogen fuel, biofuel), Achieving targets of NDCs and Paris agreement, Sustainable development, Renewable energy, etc.
Connecting science to the society:
  • Meaning: It refers to the process of bridging the gap between scientific research, knowledge, and the broader community or society at large. It involves making science more accessible, relevant, and understandable to the general public, policymakers, and various stakeholders. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – R&D, IPR policy, Scientific innovation (And their usage – Ex – Use of space tech in disaster forecasting), startups and entrepreneurship, Make in India, Agriculture, Atmanirbhar bharat etc.
Need of global food, feed and fibre (3F) security: 
  • Meaning: Global food, feed, and fiber (3F) security is a comprehensive concept that encompasses the assurance of adequate and sustainable supplies of three critical resources: food, animal feed, and fiber. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Agricultural reforms and doubling the farmers income, Need of GM crops (BT cotton), Food and nutritional security Etc.


Case study on providing access to modern farming machineries to small farmers:
  • Case: MP.
  • Step taken: Custom Hiring Centre (CHC). It is being operated by cooperative societies, self-help groups, private entrepreneurs, and rural individuals. It is making modern farming machinery easily accessible to the state's small and marginalized farmers.
Challenges with Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM):
  • Case: Mahoba district, UP.
  • Issue:  Villages officially certified as having 100% coverage of functional household tap connections (FHTC), many households do not actually have taps. Some do have taps, but are not getting any water through them; even in the best case scenario, such households get no more than two hours of water.


Key facts related to GM crops and food security:
  • Global economic gains contributed by GM crops (1996-2018): More than $200 billion in economic benefits to more than 16 million farmers, 95% of whom are from developing countries. 
  • India’s edible oil:  It’s demand is fulfilled by 60% imports.
  • According to the global Food Security and Nutrition Report, 2019: It is difficult to achieve the ‘Zero Hunger’ target by 2030.
  • Achievement of Green Revolution (1960s-70s):  Food production was increased almost 6 times between 1950-51 to 2020-21.


Vice President’s Speech:
  • On water conservation: Our civilizational essence and Constitutional prescriptions all converge on one aspect: we must be responsible citizens when it comes to the use of natural resources.
  • An individual’s economic capacity does not bestow the right to engage in wastefulness.


Proxy warfare:  
  • Definition: A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the provocation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities.
  • Definition: A neutrino is a subatomic particle that is very similar to an electron, but has no electrical charge and a very small mass, which might even be zero. Neutrinos are one of the most abundant particles in the universe. 


Quote on Learning: Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other”. –  EDMUND BURKE
  • Meaning: The quote emphasizes the powerful impact of leading by example and the idea that people often learn best through the behavior and actions they observe in others. Essentially, it suggests that we learn from real-life examples rather than abstract principles or theoretical teachings.
QEP Pocket Notes