output themes


Remittance-seeking mindset to entrepreneurial mindset:
  • Meaning: Remittance-Seeking Mindset: it signifies dependency, short term focus, and passivity.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset: It signifies initiative, risk taking, innovation, long term vision etc.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Economic reforms, manufacturing and make in India, Innovation and R&D, India’s vision of developed economy by 2047, government policies, startups and entrepreneurship Etc.
Switch from legacy technologies to clean technologies: 
  • Meaning: It signifies transitioning from older, often more polluting or resource-intensive technologies to newer, more environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – from fossil fuel to green fuel, from IC engine to EV engine, sustainable development, Hydrogen fuel, biofuel, Etc.
From concept to market:
  • Meaning: It refers to the process of taking an idea or concept for a product, service, or innovation and bringing it to the point where it is commercially available to consumers or end-users. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – R&D, Scientific innovation, Implementation of gov. policies in letter and spirit, startups and entrepreneurship, Make in India, Achieving goal of developed economy, Atmanirbhar bharat etc.
India as a ‘Vishwamitra’ (global friend): 
  • Meaning: It signifies India's role as a global friend or a bridge-builder between nations. India is seen as a nation that promotes peaceful and friendly relations with other countries and actively engages in diplomatic efforts to foster cooperation, understanding, and collaboration on the global stage.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - India’s foreign policy (Vasudewa kutumbakam etc.), India’s soft policy, Global south-south cooperation, Multilateral and bilateral cooperations, India as a negotiator between two conflicting countries (Russia-Ukraine) etc.


Example of inclusivity and women’s equality:
  • Case: Tamil Nadu.
  • Step taken: For the first time, the Tamil Nadu government has trained three women as temple priests at an institution for the training of priests. This herald a “new era of inclusivity and equality” as even at a time when women were becoming pilots and astronauts, they were not allowed to become priests in many temples. “Because it was deemed impure, even in temples for female deities. But finally, change is here.
Supreme court (SC) on increasing transparency in Judiciary:
  • The SC is now “onboard” the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) portal, a national repository of data relating to cases instituted, pending and disposed of by courts across the country.
  • Onboarding of SC data on NJDG portal under the open data policy is a step on to bring transparency and accountability in the judicial domain.”


Key facts related to reduced terrorist activists in J&K after 2019 – Scrapping Article 370:
  • According to Home Ministry data, there was a 32% reduction in acts of terror between 2019 and 2022 over 2016-2019.  
  • Deaths of civilians were down by 14% and of security personnel by 52%.
  • Data from 2020 up to June 2023 shows a steady decline in the local recruitment of terrorists.


Vice President’s Speech (Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar):
  • On Dams: Dams are “silent sentinels that ensure our access to the lifeblood of our planet”. “Dams are monuments to human ingenuity, perseverance, and the spirit of cooperation”.
President’s Speech (Smt Droupadi Murmu): 
  • On Railways: The Indian Railways is the backbone of not just the Indian economy but also of India’s unity and socio-cultural diversity.


Supreme court (SC) on choice of food:
  • The Supreme Court recently dismissed an appeal against the Lakshadweep administration’s decision to stop serving meat in midday meals for school children in the islands.
  • The SC said that it is not within the domain of the court to decide as to what would be the choice of food for children of a particular region. 


Quantum Entanglement:  
  • Definition: Quantum entanglement is a process whereby energetically degenerate states cannot be separated and electrons or photons in these states are essentially indistinguishable.
  • In this, one particle of an entangled pair depends on aspects of the other particle, no matter how far apart they are or what lies between them. 
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM):
  • Definition: It is a policy tool introduced by the EU to reduce carbon emissions by imposing a carbon tax on imported products, ensuring that they are subject to the same carbon costs as products produced within the EU. 
  • The aim of CBAM is to prevent carbon-intensive imports from undermining the EU's climate objectives and to encourage the adoption of cleaner production practices around the world.


Quote on Terrorism: Terrorism has become a festering wound. It is an enemy of humanity”. –  ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE
  • Meaning: The quote signifies that terrorism is a significant threat to global peace, security, and human well-being. 
  • Terrorism involves the use of violence and intimidation to achieve political, religious, or ideological goals and often targets innocent civilians, making it a particularly abhorrent form of violence.
output themes