Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     13th June 2023     Save    
QEP Pocket Notes
Pockets of under-development to Catalyst of Growth:
  • Meaning: It suggests the potential for areas or regions that are currently experiencing underdevelopment to become catalysts for growth and progress.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Aspirational districts/Blocks, NE states, tribal areas, rural areas, urban slums, Vocal for local.

Tools to Re-engineer the Indian economy: 
  • Meaning: It involves implementing strategic changes and adopting various tools and approaches to promote growth, innovation, and sustainability in the Indian economy. 
  • Usage: Infrastructure (NIP, Gati Shakti, National Monetization Plan, resilient supply chains), Innovation (Machine Learning, AI, Industry 4.0, Digital transformation), Laws & reforms (GST, IBC, Labour & Land laws), Social Tools (Education, New age Skill development, Health)

From the Cherry-picking approach to the Collective Development approach:
  • Meaning: Cherry-picking approach: The act of pointing to individual cases or data confirming a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data.
  • Collective Development approach: It refers to an inclusive/holistic approach to Development.
  • Usage: Policy making & Implementation of Govt programs, Inclusive growth, Vulnerable sections, Urbanisation, Aspirational Districts, Border management, Cyber security etc.

The Idea of Justice: Niti and Nyaya:
  • Meaning: Niti: It deals with just rules and institutions and is an exercise that, if implemented completely, would result in maximum public welfare and justice.
  • Nyaya: It relates to the enforcement of laws and regulations and realization of Niti in just way.
  • Usage: Equality and freedom (Freedom of speech/media), Sedition, Judiciary, Good Governance, free and Fair election, Corruption, Policy formulation and implementation, Environmental laws, Ease of Doing Business, etc.

Digital Public Infrastructure: India’s global digital success story:
  • India recently launched the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) partnership to enable countries, especially low and middle-income brackets, to learn from its experiences in harnessing technology to improve governance, and for social, economic, digital and sustainable development.
  • It also introduced the idea to form an alliance of countries, called One Future Alliance, which would allow like-minded nations to use technology to improve people’s lives.
Success Story of Poshan app:
  • It provides: Activities of the anganwadi centers, service deliveries of anganwadi workers and complete beneficiary management for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children etc.
  • About 60,000 migrant workers have registered for the one nation one Anganwadi programme.


Data on Inland fisheries in India: 
  • Inland fish production: Increased 400 % between 2000-01 and 2021-22.
  • Sagar Parikrama phase VII was recently concluded. 
  • It is a transformative voyage planned in the water across the coastal belt to show solidarity with the fisher folk, fish farmers, and related stakeholders. 
  • It is contributing to disseminate information on fisheries related schemes/programs implemented by government, showcasing the best practices, promote responsible fisheries and demonstrate solidarity with all fisherfolks and concerned stakeholders.
  • Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) report:
  • The Nuclear arsenals in: India, Pakistan & China grew.
  • The nine nuclear-armed states - USA, Russia, the UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel.
  • Russia and the U.S. together possess almost 90% of all nuclear weapons.

  • On Global South: Development is a core issue for the Global South which is impacted by “geopolitical tensions” and the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • On importance of data: Data is critical for development goals and Technology is being used as a tool to empower people, make data accessible, and ensure inclusivity. 
  • High-quality data is critical for meaningful policy-making, efficient resource allocation, and effective public service delivery. 
  • Democratization of technology is a crucial tool to help bridge the data divide.
  • Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India on use of AI: The CAG of India has recommended that Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) i.e., CAG itself must inevitably prepare themselves for auditing AI-based governance systems and look for opportunities to adopt AI into their audit techniques to increase their effectiveness.
  • HC Judgement on Right to Life: 
  • Delhi High Court: There is no denying the fact that the right to life includes the right to live with dignity, which includes the right not to be tied down by casteism.

    Accountability and Responsibility:
  • Definition: Responsibility: It refers to being in-charge of certain duties which are expected to be performed by virtue of being in a certain post/position. 
  • Accountability: It is one step ahead of responsibility. It includes answerability, i.e., being liable for the outcomes achieved due to performance of the duty. 
Quote on End & New beginning: “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”.  
  • Meaning: It reflects the idea that the start of something new often arises from the conclusion or culmination of a previous experience or chapter.
  • These cycles involve both beginnings and endings. 
  • When one chapter or phase concludes, it can provide the impetus or foundation for embarking on a new venture or embracing a different path.

Quote on Democracy & Equality: “Democracy arose from men’s thinking that if they are equal in any respect, they are equal absolutely.”    - ARISTOTLE
  • Meaning: It reflects the idea that democracy is a system of governance that emphasizes the equal rights and freedoms of individuals. 
  • The belief in equality is a central tenet of democracy, and it encompasses both political and social equality.
Quote on courage & fear: “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear” – MARK TWAIN
  • Meaning: “Fear is a human emotion. Everyone has something to fear after all it is a common emotion. 
  • Courage is resistance to fear. Having courage doesn’t mean the absence of fear. 
  • Courage is a spirit to overcome the fear to achieve the goals. 
  • Courage is overcoming our fears to do what is right in the face of some danger, uncertainty, pain, or embarrassment.
QEP Pocket Notes