Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     11th June 2023     Save    

Perverse incentives to outcome-based incentives:
  • Meaning: It signifies the approach of shifting the focus from rewarding specific actions or inputs to rewarding the desired outcomes or results.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Subsidies, Freebies, Corporate tax reduction, MSMEs, Agriculture sector, effectiveness of government policies and schemes, good governance, citizen’s participation etc.
From labharthis (beneficiaries) to Equals:
  • Meaning: It involves shifting the perspective and approach from a donor-recipient dynamic to one of empowering, rights-based approach that promotes equality among all individuals or groups involved.
  • Usage: It can be used in way forward for questions related to Women, divyangjans, LGBTQ+, old age, tribal people, farmers etc. It can also be used in government moving towards rights-based entitlements in health, nutrition, education, employment, environment etc.
Rules-based approach to Roles-based learning:
  • Meaning: Rules-based approach: It relies on established rules, procedures, and guidelines to govern behavior and decision-making.
  • Roles-based approach: It focuses on understanding and fulfilling specific roles or responsibilities within a given context. Instead of relying solely on predetermined rules, this approach emphasizes the skills, knowledge, and judgment required to effectively perform a particular role.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Civil services reforms, Mission Karmayogi, Good governance and policy making, judiciary and tribunals etc.
Digital Nagrik:
  • Meaning: Individuals/citizens who actively participates in the digital realm and utilizes digital technologies and platforms for various purposes, including communication, information access, transactions, and civic engagement.
  • Usage: Digital India, Digital Inclusion (PMJDY, RTI), Cyber Security, Role of Media & Social Networking Sites, Good Governance, Participative Citizenry etc.


Government institution and private players collaboration:
  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), signed a MoU with Amazon Kisan to combine strengths and create synergy between the two organizations for guiding the farmers on scientific cultivation of different crops for optimum yield and income.
  • ICAR will provide technological backstopping to the farmers through Amazon’s network.
  • Benefits: Improve farmers’ livelihood and boost crop yield, ensure access to high quality fresh produce for consumers, including through Amazon Fresh.
WHO highlighting the benefits of the 'Har Ghar Jal' program under JAL-JEEVAN MISSION (JJM) in India:
  • Role of safe drinking water: Saving lives, empowering women and girls, and contributing to ease of living.
  • Ensuring safely managed drinking water for all households: It could avert nearly 400,000 deaths caused by diarrheal diseases and prevent approximately 14 million Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) related to these diseases.


Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY):
  • >55% of Jan Dhan account holders are women.
  • About 70% accounts are based in rural and semi-urban areas.
IMF report on positive impacts of DBT:
  • The savings from DBT and other reforms: More than 1% of GDP, largely due to the “elimination of duplicate, non-existent and ineligible beneficiaries”.
Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
  • 60% households have piped water connections (up from about 16% in 2019 when the scheme was launched).
  • Five states viz; Gujarat, Telangana, Goa, Haryana, and Punjab and 3 Union Territories - Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Daman Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli and Puducherry have reported 100% coverage.
  • A fully functional tap water connection is defined as a household getting at least 55 litres of per capita per day of potable water all through the year.

PM speech on technology:
  • Tech for Growth: India embraced technology to revolutionize governance and uplift service delivery. Technology has brought efficiency and convenience to the lives of people. It also enhanced efforts to build a digitally empowered India.

Election Commission observation on postal ballot: Chief Election Commissioner recently said that the time had come for the Election Commission to facilitate postal voting for Non-Resident Indians, via Electronically Transmitted Postal Ballot System.
  • In this endeavor, the role of the foreign service and India’s High Commissions/Embassies world-wide, would be vital.

Universal Basic Income (UBI):
  • Definition: According to IMF, Universal basic income is an income support mechanism typically intended to reach all (or a very large portion of the population) with no (or minimal) conditions.

Quote on readiness and preparedness: Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it”.   -   RABINDRANATH TAGORE

  • Meaning: It emphasizes the idea that we have the power to attract and receive what is meant for us if we develop the necessary readiness and capability.
    • It means that our ability to receive and benefit from opportunities, blessings, and success is dependent on our preparedness and openness to them.
Quote on various themes:
  • Aatma Deepo Bhav i.e., “We must become our own light.” - Budhha
  • “God is not on the side of the biggest armies but the best shots” Voltaire
  • Kshma shobti us bhujang ko jis ke paas garal ho i.e., “Only the strong can be kind, benevolent or generous.” - Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
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