Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     11th July 2023     Save    
Democratic backsliding:

  • Meaning: It refers to the gradual erosion or weakening of democratic institutions and norms within a democratic system. 
  • It involves a regression in the quality and functioning of democratic governance, like concentration of power, the restriction of civil liberties, the erosion of checks and balances, and the diminishing of political rights and freedoms.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions on - Curb on freedom of speech and media, centralisation of power, authoritative governance, centralisation of institutions etc.

Decoupling from China to coupling with India: 
  • Meaning: It refers to a strategic shift in economic and geopolitical relationships. 
  • It implies reducing economic interdependence with China and increasing engagement with India as an alternative partner.
  • Usage: It can be used in - Economy - Trade and investment, free trade agreements, India@5trillion economy, IR- Bilateral relationship, Multilateral engagements and institutions.

5 Rs of water management- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recharge and Respect: 
  • Meaning: The 5 Rs of water management are a set of principles aimed at promoting responsible water usage and conservation.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Water management and water conservation, clean ganga mission, groundwater depletion etc.
  • Extended use: 3Rs (Re-use, Recycle, Renew) in plastic management, solid waste management, circular economy, e-waste management.

From Gender-bias approach to Gender-just approach:
  • Meaning: Gender bias: It is the tendency to prefer one gender over another.
  • Gender-just: It entails ending the inequalities among all genders that are produced and reproduced in the family, the community, the market, and the state.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to Indian Society, Women Empowerment, LGBTQ+ Rights, Globalization, Economic Development, SDGs, Inclusive development, Agriculture etc.

  • Social Interaction through placemaking:
  • Case: Pimpri Chinchwad (Maharashtra).
  • Steps taken: Placemaking i.e., recreating urban spaces lying vacant, unused, or underused for the benefit of the communities.
  • Benefits: Creation of open-air auditoriums to promote recreation and social interaction.
  • Significan

Key facts related to Women: 
  • Current rate of maternal mortality: 97 (per 100,000 live births in a year), down from 254 in 2004.
  • According to National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5):
  • Just 10% of women in India are independently able to take decisions about their own health.
  • 11% of women believe that marital violence is acceptable if a woman refuses to have sex with her husband.
  • Raising women’s labour force participation by 10% points might account for more than 70% of the potential GDP growth opportunity.

President speech on Education:
  • Education is vital for the progress of the individual, society and country. 
  • Countries would be able to become Global Super-powers with the power of knowledge. The aim of the NEP is to make India a Global Knowledge Super-power. 
  • The higher educational institutions will play an important role in achieving the goal of establishing India as a developed nation by the year 2047.  
  • Knowledge centers should become hubs of the knowledge economy. They should move forward with the ambition of developing cutting edge technologies. 
  • Morally strong youth, educated in modern knowledge-science and technology, would build a better society and nation.

Supreme Court (SC) on Lynching:
  • In Tehseen S. Poonawalla case (2018): The SC had directed States to form Special Task Forces to collect intelligence on likely incidents of hate speeches, mob violence, and lynchings.
  • The SC condemned these ‘horrendous acts of mobocracy’ as an anathema which requires a special law and punishment.

Palliative care: 
  • Definition: According to WHO, palliative care is explicitly recognized under the human right to health and is an approach that aims to improve the quality of life of patients (adults and children) and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness.
  • It aims to identify patients at risk of over-medicalisation at the expense of quality of life and financial burden on the family. 
Global South:
  • Definition: The Global South refers to various countries around the world that are sometimes described as ‘developing’, ‘less developed’, or ‘underdeveloped’.
  • Other key terms:
  • First world: The term originally applied to countries that were aligned with the United States and other Western nations in opposition to the former Soviet Union. 
  • Second world: The term was initially used to refer to the Soviet Union and countries of the communist bloc.
  • Third world: The countries that have high poverty rates, economic instability, and lack basic human necessities like access to water, shelter or food for its citizens. 

  • Quote on Knowledge and Action: “Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act” - ALBERT EINSTEIN
  • Meaning: This quote highlights the idea that knowledge and privilege come with a certain level of influence and opportunity. 
  • By recognizing this, it becomes imperative to leverage those advantages to effect meaningful change, whether it's addressing social injustices, advocating for those who are marginalized, or working towards the betterment of society as a whole.
  • Quote on importance of Value: “Strive not to be a success but rather to be of value”. - ALBERT EINSTEIN
  • Meaning: It emphasizes the importance of focusing on creating value and making a meaningful contribution rather than solely pursuing personal success or achievements.