Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     10th July 2023     Save    
output themes
Lion’s share of responsibilities:

  • Meaning: The term refers to the majority or the largest portion of the responsibilities or tasks in a given situation. 
  • Usage: In questions related to - Parliament, Governor, Executive, legislature and Judiciary, constitutional bodies like – ECI, CAG, statutory bodies like – CVC, NHRC, civil society, UN etc.

  • Meaning: It signifies the economic activities and factors associated with the production, distribution, sales, and consumption of toys. This could include market trends, sales figures, revenue generation, job creation, and the overall economic impact of the toy industry.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions like - Vocal for local toys, MSMEs, Atmanirbharta in toys industry etc. 
  • Extended use: Techconomy, Healthconomy, Edueconomy, Digital economy, Enviroeconomy ETC. 

Power the India’s power sector:
  • Meaning: It refers to the act of providing the necessary resources, infrastructure, and policies to support and enhance the functioning and development of India's power industry. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to electricity and discoms reforms, Energy sector, Role of renewable sources of energy etc.

From corporate social responsibility to corporate social sustainability:
  • Meaning: It represents an evolution in the way businesses approach their societal impact and engagement. 
  • CSR focuses on businesses taking responsibility for their actions and contributing to social and environmental causes.
  • Corporate social sustainability goes further by integrating sustainability principles into the core business strategy and operations.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to corporate governance, Good Governance, Social-sector priorities, Inclusive development, SDGs, etc.
From appeasement to equity:
  • Meaning: It represents a change in approach or mindset regarding how to address social or systemic inequalities and injustices. 
  • The concept of appeasement often refers to a strategy of pacifying or satisfying a group or individual by giving in to their demands or desires, often without addressing the underlying issues or imbalances.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – reservation, women empowerment, LGBTQ+ rights, social equity, inclusive growth, government subsidy, etc.

Importance of wildlife:
  • Turtle’s Role in Cleaning Ganga:
  • Under Namami Gange Programme, thousands of turtles have been released in river Ganga.
  • Result: Improvement in biochemical demand (BOD), fecal coliform (FC), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were found in river water quality checks.
  • Reason: Turtles have a role as they feed on meat and waste products thrown in the river.

Farmer-Scientists connect through digital technology:
  • The farmer based “Report Fish Disease” App has been developed by Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. 
  • Use: The farmers can report disease cases in finfish, shrimps and molluscs on their farms to the field level-officers and fish health experts and get scientific advice for quickly addressing the disease problem on their farms. 
  • The app will be a central platform for connecting fish farmers, field-level officers and fish health experts.

Higher incidence of TB in prisoners (Problems with Indian prison):
  • According to the Lancet Public Health study:
  • Prisoners in India are 5 times more at risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) than the general population.
  • TB in Indian prisons is 1,076 cases per 1Lakh inmates. 
  • TB incidence is 210 per 1Lakh population, according to WHO TB report 2022.
  • Reason: Overcrowding and lack of ventilation.
India - China Trade:
  • India-China trade has grown 4 times in the last decade.
  • India is importing 7 times more from China than it exports. 
  • China is India’s 2nd-largest trading partner while India is only China’s 13th-largest partner. 

PM speech on infrastructure and Manufacturing:
  • India is now a young India and an India full of energy. 
  • We have finally entered this golden period in the third decade of the 21st century. We must make full use of every second of this golden period. 
  • No part of the country should be left behind in terms of any possibility of rapid development.  
  • Poor connectivity and expensive logistic costs hinder the progress of businesses and hence there is a need of multifold increase in the speed and scale of development by the Government.

Gender Justice:
  • Definition: According to Oxfam, gender justice is the full equality and equity between women and men in all spheres of life, resulting in women jointly, and on an equal basis with men, defining and shaping the policies, structures and decisions that affect their lives and society as a whole. 

Intellectual property rights (IPR): 
  • Definition: 
  • Intellectual property (IP): It refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
  • Intellectual property rights (IPR): They are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time.

  • Quote on Sustainable Planet/Earth: “What is the use of a house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on?”.   -   HENRY DAVID THOREAU
  • Meaning: The statement emphasizes the fundamental importance of a sustainable and habitable planet. 
  • It highlights the fact that having a house or any material possessions is of limited value if the planet itself is facing significant environmental challenges or if it is not conducive to supporting life.

  • Quote on Learning: “No day in which you learn something is a complete loss.”    - David Eddings             
  • Meaning: It emphasizes the value and importance of continuous learning and personal growth. 
  • It suggests that even if a day might not go as planned or if challenges arise, the act of learning something new makes the day meaningful and worthwhile.
output themes